Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Should we....

After lunch it was dreary and drizzling.  We weren’t sure if we wanted to head for the Museum in Diekirch or maybe check out the old Castle.  We decided to at least drive up the hill to take a closer look.
We were the only car in the parking lot.  I sent dad off in the rain to see if the castle was even open.  He came back saying the castle was open and we decided to just take a chance.  With umbrellas in hand we crossed the drawbridge.
Last night my husband asked me what my favorite part of the trip was…I think our visit to the fortress in Bouillon was one of the best parts of the trip.

When we purchased our tickets the cashier told us to hurry to the courtyard so we could see the falconry show.  I remembered reading about a falconry show but I didn't think we could get the timing right to see it.  But we were right on time and it was a real treat.

There were lovely views of town looking down from where the draw bridge used to be.


We arrived just as the Falconry show was beginning.  The talented falconer did the whole show in 3 languages (French, German, and English). Because of the rain there were only about 15 of us in total which worked out in our favor.


The falconer immediately asked for a volunteer and of course "T" was the first (and only ) person to raise his hand.  It all happened too fast for a good photo.  You will just have to believe me that "T" is the kid holding the owl since you can't see his face.  I think he was feeding the owl.

The show went on for a while and I was worried that "J" would be upset that she didn't get to participate.  She always wants to to these sorts of things but often won't raise her hand.  At this point the falconer said he was tired from a night at the discotheque and needed to quit early.  He asked for a volunteer to step in and take his place.  "J" raised her hand and jumped in feet first.  I don't think she heard the falconer as he directed her to step into the "food" dish.  He put an old pot on her head a glove on her arm and he left.  She was confused but stood there anyway.  A few minutes later a Davis Hawk flew out and landed on her arm.

Apparently the bird was suppoed to land on her head (thus the pot).  It took three tries but he finally did it.

This was an unexpected and amazing experience to say the least.  As the show ended a few school busses arrived and more tourists.  I think we were very lucky to be there when we were.

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