Friday, March 29, 2013

The Great Grandparents

We hardly ever get home anymore. Everyone's schedule is so busy. But my grandparents are 95 and we thought it would be nice for the kids to see them again.

"T" and "J" with their Great-Grandma

"T" and "J" with their Great-Grandpa

I would be nice to grow up in a place like this.

The kids had so much fun feeding the resident geese.

And hugging the trees with Grandpa

This is either Sue or Lou.

It was a really special day for everyone.

Getting too Old

There is a kids "museum" (really more of a play place) that my kids used to love.  They have been begging to go back and I finally gave in.  It was a little disappointing for them because they are really getting to old to enjoy it the way they used to.  We still had fun but it isn't likely we will go back.


This is not at the museum but rather at my favorite childhood ice-cream parlor "Tony's".  My grandma used to take me there when I was a kid.  It's a "must-do" when passing through NC.


This was a really fun birthday.  It was fun because "T" really wanted a certain video game system for his birthday and we have been telling him for over 6 months that we just couldn't get it for him....but WE DID! 
"T" didn't want cake...he wanted donuts for his birthday

^The photo mom made them take vs. the one they wanted to take V....


"T" thought candles on donuts was very very silly.....

Thanks Auntie S for the awesome foot rocket.

What!  Could it be?  The thing I always wanted!  The gaming system I wanted most in the world...the one you said you couldn't get?  Could it be?

YES...YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!

And a bunch of age-inappropriate games too....this IS the best birthday ever!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gone to the Dogs

With three dogs in the spend a lot of time with dogs, feeding dogs, hugging dogs, cleaning up after dogs, and taking photos of dogs.

Quick! Someone call the SPCA.  These dogs aren't receiving proper care and attention.  Oh wait...yeah they are.  We humans didn't want to sit on the sofa anyway.

This kid loves ALL animals.

This kid is learning to love animals...he especially loves Cleo, as long as she doesn't get on his bed, in his room, or into his "stuff".

But some days he REALLY loves her a lot.

Oh, that looks uncomfortable.

 There, that's better.

 Gabby doesn't photograph well since she is almost all black.  I thought she looked especially awesome in these photos however.

Random Winter

So here is a little Green Family randomness.
My son was given an art project about perspective.  He hated it.  He really hates doing anything with set boundaries.  However once I told him that her could add any details he wanted he got excited and made his perspective painting have an Alien Attack theme.  I especially love this car which has been attacked and is on fire. 

My son the "Chef" who refuses to eat anything but loves to "cook" wanted to make chocolate.  In other words he wanted me to buy a lot of chocolate for him to melt down, add stuff, and make into shapes.  Either way...they had a lot of fun.

 Making "Fuzzies" for a Valentines day party

 "T" facilitating a board game.

 Checking out the ducks and geese at the pond after the party

Sometimes kids get you phone and you never even realize it until later when you look through your photos and find this.
 Apparently they got some "freakin awesome sunglasses in their Valentines Day boxes.

Girl Scout Cookie time

 Sweet little bird on a cold morning


St. Patrick's Day Party at the Park.

Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance...with it's oddly inappropriate "Pajama Party" theme.

We built a tiny wattle fence and planted some flowers and herbs.

Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese

Cute self promotional photo for "T's" website

Playing with dad at the Rat.