Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Hike

We went on a Halloween Hike at our local Nature Center.  The kids got dressed up and got to meet a few of their favorite forest friends
"J" requested for her face to painted as a vampire cat?
Taking a hot chocolate and cookie break
"tell us more"
Venus Fly Trap


Making music around the bonfire

Daisy Scouts

"J" investiture cermony, where she offically becomes a girlscout.

"J" recieves a cermonial key from a first grade Daisy

ZOO re-do

I'll make this a quick one. We went to the zoo again. It's fun, the weather is nice. I know there are lots of zoo photos on this blog....

Our friend Laney joined us today

For the first time the kids get off the ground.
"J" made it about 1/3 of the way up the wall. 
She didn't fall, but rather she got a little scared to be so high

"T" made it halfway up the climbing wall. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sweet Silly Girl

I had to shoot a few test photos before my photography class last week.   “J” was my slightly unwilling impromptu subject.

No farmers no food, know your farmer know your food

Ok, this is an idealistic saying but it's one I embrace.  I am happy to say I do know my farmers and I talk to them on a weekly basis.  Today we had the opportunity to visit the farm that provides our pastured eggs and raw I mean real cow’s milk.  I'll admit I was a little nervous going to the farm today...."what if the place isn't all I imagine it to be, what if it’s dirty or the animals aren't being treated as humanely as they proclaim" I thought.  Well all my fears were alleviated when we arrived.  It was exactly what it should have been, a sweet little farm.  It’s the kind of place most Americans imagine their food comes from (but it doesn’t).  It really cemented my knowledge that buying directly from the farmer is the best choice for my family.  Plus we had a lot of fun!

Taking a little swing break

What?  You want me to smile?

"How's this"!

Beautiful Jersey cow heading over to the hay wagon (we were riding in the hay wagon)

The herd of 40 (milked 3 at a time) is mostly Jerseys with a few Holsteins and Brown Swiss

What a sweet face

Every farm needs a cool (broken down) old farm truck
"T" and his friend Lily concentrate on the duck races
Lovely, happy chicken doing what chickens love to do.  Seriously; happy chickens sooth my soul.
This poor girl was having a few moments of peace between being chased by happy toddlers (doing what toddlers love to do).
"Mom look at me, I'm going to jump"

It was a long hot day and we are TIRED!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Birthday Part 2

Today was the “friends” party for “J’s” 6th birthday. We went to Build A Bear Workshop. Basically the "party" consists of all the kids getting together and creating a stuffed animal to keep. Then we all wandered over to the food court at the mall for cupcakes. It was very fun for the kids. No mess or hassle for the parents.

A very energetic store employee leads the group in songs and games.

"J" gives her new toy a bath.

Cub Scout

All dressed and ready for a pack meeting.