Saturday, January 7, 2017

Christmas and Stuff

This little guy is winning all of our hearts.  Spoiler Alert...we decided to keep him. In Rescue language this is called a "Foster Fail".  He is quite the character.  And I guess the same could be said for us...since now we have 4 dogs.

 (message for my mom.  No, the dogs aren't really wearing hats.  Mom, it is a "program" that lets you add little hats to any picture.

  We visited the Christkindlmarkt

And we had the most delightfully lazy, no company, no cooking Christmas.  
I wore my pajamas all day.  

 "D" tries out one of his presents.

And "T" holding a chicken fits in this post somehow....

A Cold Night Of History

We visited the History Museum on the coldest night of the year so far, so we could see how Christmas was celebrated back in the day.

I don't really think they were roasting marshmallows in the 1800s. 
But history never was my best subject,

"J" makes a candle.  Something she has done a dozen times before but it never gets old.

We saw lots of silly new exhibits too.


My poor kids have done so much in their lives.  Not much wows them anymore.  
Including the aquarium.  But friends make it worth the trip.

A New Hobby

"J" decided she wanted to make desserts and decorate cakes.  She started small...

And everything she did got bigger and better.

And my behind is getting bigger and bigger.  I better head back to the gym.

I should mention she doesn't really eat them.

She doesn't eat the cakes...the cookies or the pies. 

But I can vouch for how wonderful they are.


Because I feel like every couple needs to jazz things up in their relationship...I brought home some puppies.  This meant 6 dogs in our house.  It certainly "jazzed" things up.  As "D" hated them. Seriously who couldn't love these guys....and how hard could it be to raise a few abandoned puppies for a "few" weeks.

It started with an impassioned plea for help.  The rescue had 9 abandoned puppies.  They were too little to be adopted.  Plus all the dogs must go through a two week quarantine.  How could I say no.  Look at those faces.

We took cute photos for the website.  And we made them a cozy home and we loved them...For exactly two days....then PARVO!

Parvo is almost always fatal if supportive care is not received.  The virus can't be treated but the symptoms can be managed.  

Now we had sick puppies.  Lots of medicine.  Lots of trips to the vet. 
An emergency transport and lots of sleepless nights.

This baby almost didn't make it.

But she did.  And before we knew it she was home, playing and growing.

The cuteness is just too much!

And they were adopted and I took them to their forever homes on their 8 week birthday.  It was wonderful to have them in our lives for 4 weeks.  


Scouting is not for the weak

I'm a bad Girl Scout mom.  I have gotten out of most every Girl Scout Activity for the past 7 years.  So I took one for the team and chaperoned a Field Trip.

They really are a great group of girls.  But I just don't enjoy group activities of any sort.

And do you know why....I'll tell you.  There was a perfectly good cafe nearby -but this was lunch.
SHUDDER! It's my worst nightmare.  I don't enjoy sandwiches anyway...but...

 Ok-full disclosure.  We had this table too.  But I'ts not much better.  I really appreciate those wonderful women schlepping food two hours to save money and be all girl-scouty.  As long as I don't have to partake.  Where is the chaperones table, with a selection of hot soups, cold sparkling beverages and a table cloth.  And now we know why I am not a Girl Scout Leader.