Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer Fun

The neighbors had a birthday party with a large waterslide. Now that's a fun way to spend a summer day!

It's very green around here....just try to stop things from growing...just go ahead and try. I dare you, the weeds dare you, the baby pine trees dare you.

They also very kindly provided slushy drinks. Pink for kids and orange for adults...if you know what I mean. I mean the adult ones had liquor. Let's be honest, all kids birthday parties should involve liquor for the parents. Even Chuck E Cheese serves beer.

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Look who's old!

But not too old for cupcakes.....

No, I didn't make these.

The kids explain their cards...yes their cards need explanation.

Wonder what this is?

Grandma sent an awesome Sioux hoodie.
Happy Birthday babe- hope you get at least 42 more.

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