Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

If I am posting another Birthday Post that must mean this blog is officially six months old. Happy birthday Green Family Blog and happy birthday "T".

Today we celebrated "T's" sixth birthday. Instead of a "friend party" we let him choose any activity he wanted. The plan was to visit a local amusement park but it rained ALL DAY. So instead of American Adventures, "T" picked the triumvirate of kid bliss...we went...all in one Monkey Joe's (an inflatable jumping house place), Chuck E. Cheese, and the McDonald's play land. These are all places I HATE to go and I can't believe we went to them ALL in one day. The kids are ecstatic. The parents are worn out. Currently "T" and "D" are learning to do magic tricks. "T" deemed this the best birthday ever and I concur.


Sugar, sugar, and more sugar

Yum, CAKE!

Fianlly a new "ride"

"Just what I always wanted"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Today we went "fishing". I put this in quotations because this family fishing pond is a catch and release pond created for kids to fish in vs. an actual lake or stream. Still we had a blast-OK I had a blast since I caught the only fish of the day (don't tell "T" because he is sure he "caught" the fish-after all it was his Spiderman fishing pole I was using).

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My First CSA Box

I have wanted to join a CSA for some time now. For those of unfamiliar with the term, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically it is a movement to put local farmers and consumers together providing business for local farmers and locally grown organic produce for people like me. Until now there were no CSA's near us or if there were they had a waiting list. So I was super excited to find a new group close to us. It is a hybrid CSA-more like a co-op. They have produce year round-meaning quite obviously it isn't all local-but they do their best to get as much local and regional organic produce as possible. Once a week I order and pick up my box/bag of produce. You don't choose what you get-it is a surprise and an opportunity to try new things we don't usually eat. They hope to add eggs soon-and it wont be soon enough. Ask "D" -he will tell you I am threatening to buy chickens....

What a beautiful harvest

"J" samples the haul


Success-our seeds have sprouted. They did so well in fact that we planted more and more and more. We have melons and pumpkins and peppers and flowers. I have absolutely no idea where we will plant them all.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"The Best Day Ever"

We went to the Aquarium today. It was pouring rain when we left so we assumed the place might be pretty such luck-the usual crowds were present but we still had a great time. "T" loves the Whale Sharks and "J's" favorite is the Giant Pacific Octopus. So why was it the "Best Day Ever"? Scroll down to find out.

Drop Anchor



"T" said "Today is our lucky day-it's the best day ever. We got to see creatures we have never seen before and it is snowing in our city and we get to go home and play in the snow." It has snowed 2 times in the last 4 years-so snow is a BIG deal for the kids!

Snow Downtown

Muddy Snowman