Sunday, August 9, 2020


My favorite part of summer is my first tomato sandwich.  White bread, home grown tomato, Dukes mayonnaise and salt and pepper.  Now that summer has officially started let’s see where we are…

Oh, still in the COVID.  So, not much is going on.  “J” has gotten out a bit this summer with her friends.  And she has volleyball.  “T” is happy to stay home and connect with his friends on the computer.  And the dogs...well they are living their best lives like always.

When you are stuck at home you get creative (above) and things that make me laugh (below)

The grass (weeds) is slowly coming in after the septic incident.  
Driving dads car...
Another birthday-we are happy for each and everyone.
A trip to the mountains with friends

Sunset photo shoot 


Monday, March 30, 2020

Pandemic Birthday

Not to be confused with an Awesome birthday or an Epic Birthday...Pandemic Birthdays are a real bummer.   I bravely ventured out to get pizza and cake.  Fortunately I had already gotten "T's" gifts in January and February.  It was a bit of a downer as birthdays go.  Fortunately this kid-he's always easy to please and so grateful.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantine Life

It started like this. 

 If they are closing school and the stores are empty maybe we should take this seriously.

My temp after traveling to Orlando-but the antibody test said 
-nope-you didn't have Covid -19.

So quarantine....We did a lot of relaxing

 Sometimes we caught up with friends

Occasionally we laughed

 But mostly we relaxed 

We worked a little...

There was patriotism-for whatever reason. 

Oh and we ate...and ate...and ate

Now I'm hungry.

We got oddly inspirational videos form the school principle (who I have never seen out of a suit before).

We did our haircuts at home 

Hair cut at moms house...not bad since I did it myself.

And if we ventured out we entered a whole new world...

Here are a few more quarantine memes that made me laugh