Sunday, October 20, 2013

We just recently attempted a "relaxing vacation".  This is a foreign concept to me.  I prefer "relaxing" at home. The bed is more comfortable, the food is better, and the children are entertained.  I like to think of vacations as adventures, opportunities, learning experiences, etc.  I can sleep at home. 

In comparison, our last Orlando vacation consisted of 7 straight 10 hour long days at Disney theme parks.  YEAH BABY!  Whereas this year we did 3 long theme park days, one short Water Park day, several bouts of unscheduled pool time, two educational experiences and a few lazy non-scheduled days at the beach.  And it was pretty relaxing and pretty awesome. 

I'm not saying I would necessarily plan anther "relaxing" vacation anytime soon.  There is a lot out there that needs to be seen, explored, and learned about.  But it was an interesting experiment to go somewhere and not completely wear ourselves out.

Relaxing Vacations start at 5:30 am. 

This is a rest stop where my precious children got Sponge Bob ice-creams.  Notice the girl. She is pouting and crying and refusing to pose for a photo....Why?  Because I wouldn't let her stop and pet every dog going potty at the Rest Stop.   Can we turn around and go home now.  I can't make it 10 days if the first 4 hours are like this....

Finally we made it with no more pouting episodes.  This is the view from our place.  Not too shabby considering it was almost free.  Gotta love those hotel points from all dads traveling.  We used his points to say in a condo at a big resort. 

This place was nice in October but I think it might be crazy during summer.

They had lots of pools and slides and fountains and bars....bars by the pool...

The weather was perfect...even what little rain we had left us this lovely rainbow.

 Waterfalls, there were also waterfalls.

And hot tubs (not pictured) kids love hot tubs and I'm sure the adults relaxing in them love my kids...

One day we headed to Wet-n-Wild which although fun, is showing its age.  

There was a threat of rain and it wasn't hot out....we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  The kids rode every ride with zero wait...over and over again.  Dad even rode a few.  Mom watched. She is the smart one.

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