Sunday, September 15, 2013

4H Adventure

I had wanted to take the kids to this 4H program since I learned about it a few years ago.  Our state 4H programs are incredible and this three day long program for homeschoolers didn’t disappoint.   I knew the classes would be awesome but I was less optimistic about the long drive, lack of paternal involvement and the utilitarian sleeping and dining facilities.  There is also my neurotic, introverted, anti-social, control freak personality which tends to put a damper on all things….but I was determined to provide my kids with this experience so I loaded up the car and we drove to the coast.

Overall the trip was successful.  If I had it to do over I would have mentally prepared for camping and I would have packed twice as many clothes, perhaps one change of clothing per hour of activity.  We ran out of clean clothes on day two…not only were there lots of messy (but fun) activities but it was hot as blazes and so humid.  Since we had a very mild summer I had sort of forgotten what summer is like. 

The coastal location of the camp is perfect for ecology classes; it is located on an Island surrounded by salt marsh.  During the summer they have summer camps and during the school year they have classes and overnight field trips.  They have dorms, a dining hall, classroom, discovery tanks full of aquatic creatures and reptiles.  The staff consist of very enthusiastic and well educated 20 something’s…kids who love teaching and love sharing their knowledge…

Upon arriving we checked in and got our dorm assignments.  LUCKILY we did not have to share a dorm.  I had mentally prepared for sharing...but I am really glad we didn't have to.  I really needed a private place to retreat and recover.  If you have 5 people registered you automatically get a dorm to yourself.  We only had 3....
'T" finally got his bed made and decided to play his ipod.  There is a no electronics rule but I used my personal discretion in allowing it.

This would be our home for the next 3 days.  It looks better in the photo.  At my age I much prefer the comforts of home to roughing it.  Actually I would prefer a tent to a dorm...except these dorms did have AC....I was very glad to have AC!

"J" snagged the counselors room. Which had a nicer bathroom than the main part of the dorm.  I would have joined her but the beds in here seemed to be about 20 inches wide.  More her size than mine.

You can't see the dirt, or the holes in the wall...but honestly the dorms were perfectly acceptable for kids...just think bath house...vs bathroom.

So glad I brought a chair for myself.  And so glad we had the counselors bathroom.

Our dorm at night.  It looks so tropical and lovely.


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