Monday, June 29, 2015

Late Spring-ish 2015

Proof that my children do school work.

Although they often face insurmountable obstacles...usually while wearing pajamas,

 Another little project around the house.

 A little outdoor living space...

 Ready just in time for "T's" birthday

Cake is exciting

Ok...almost ready.  Just a few more things to do.

Yay-time for cocktails!

This my friends is a baby snapping turtle.  "J" saved it from certain peril and relocated it to the neighborhood creek.

It was so tiny and cute.  Who knew a snapping turtle could be so cute.

Our only Easter photo.  Gone are the cute outfits.  I think I had to bribe them to get this one.

Field Trip to the quarry.  Where they make big rocks into little ones.

The boy is wearing my sunglasses and the girl...I have no words for that face...

"T" working on his videos.  

First kids in the pool for the year.  It was chilly.

Visiting with grandma and grandpa

We went to the art museum.  "J" said the modern art gave her a headache.  The interactive exhibits are always the best.

There is a wildlife park in town that really should be closed down by the USDA...but they do have friendly squirrels that will eat out of your hand.  Since the taming of the squirrels in our yard hasn't been working out, we dripped by to visit these guys.

Back at the Zoo.  I think our zoo does a pretty good job caring for the animals and educating the public. If they would improve their elephant exhibit I would give them 5 Stars.

I am amazed at what a kind heart this boy has.

We visited an Alpaca farm in May.  Wow!  I don't like the wise words of Buddy the Elf-I think Alpacas are Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins.  They eat and look stupid-that's it.  I LOVE animals.  But until that day I had never met and adorable furry creature that I DID NOT want to bring home.  It's a good thing because apparently these empty headed cotton balls are expensive.  The (very conceited farm owner said her goal was to make Alpaca farming more accessible to the middle class. Snort.  She said this while standing under a 6'X8' photo of herself and her award winning 100K Alpaca wearing a plaid fedora...the Alpaca-not her..

If you have to be trampled by something...pick Alpacas.

What I did want to take home were the baby goats.  I LOVE goats and the kids did to.  "kids" ha ha.  I really don't' know how much normal goats cost (because these were all SHOW QUALITY goats) (SNORT AGAIN)...but I am guessing they cost less than a Porsche

These precious babies were just a week old.

The farm was gorgeous.  I might not have Alpaca envy-but I did have Farm Envy.

Finally after 4 years I got suckered into chaperoning a Girl Scout Meeting.  Good knows I owe them many more hours.  "j's" troop leaders are so awesome and so is her troop.

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