Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Week of "T"

Its been a stunner of a week for the boy.  He turned 16, applied for his first job, had his first job interview AND landed his first job, got accepted into a local college where he will be taking college classes his junior year of high school AND he got his drivers license.

This face just old me he got the job.  I am so proud.  He will be working at a very fast paced, very delicious, very popular, very customer service oriented, and slightly anti-LGBTQ chicken franchise.  This happened just a few days after his birthday.  I really hope it goes well because damn!  Insurance for a 16 year old boy is expensive.  And food for a 16 year old boy is expensive.  I'll be happy for him to have a little cha-ching in his pocket that we didn't put there.

But lets back up.  First we had to have the saddest (my words- not his) birthday celebration ever.  It was sad because I literally forgot it was his birthday.  I thought it was the following week.  Plus he wanted an expensive gift...so he opted to give up a celebration with friends to make sure he could get the one gift he wanted.  So the whole shindig was pretty low-key (and planned the evening before). But he was happy and that's all that matters.  He has always been very gracious and never asks for much. He designed his Publix cake on-line and we picked it up just in time.  And for once I wasn't sad that he didn't want homemade.

  I think I should have put 16 candles on the cake.  Next year I'm going full fire hazard.

 It's only soda....but birthdays call for the fancy glasses.

 Thanks Auntie and Uncle...

 He did get this cool pair of polarized glasses from his sister.  Now he's ready to drive in style.

 Drumroll please....its the VR set he's been dreaming of
  I have to admit.  It's really pretty cool.

We have all tried it out.  I'm just waiting for the one with gloves so you can use your hands and feel things.  I don't think I'll ever get my basement playroom back.  It has been permanently rearranged for optimal VR play.

"T" trying on a new style and becoming one step closer to his inner 60 year old.

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