Walking through the tree tops.
"T" is having more fun than than it appears.
Survey's say this blog is viewed primarily by people over the age of 60. I thought you might enjoy knowing that all of these photo's were taken with my phone. Yes, a phone. Technology is amazing isn't it.
Not sure why "T" looks so bored/annoyed. He said the Botanical Gardens were very interesting and enjoyable. He always amazes me. "J" is always up for any museum or outdoor event. "T" is more particular in his tastes. I was actaully surprised that he ahd a good time. I rather expected he would just "endure" his visit today.
Sculpture in the garden...I LOVE THIS!
I completely forgot to bring my "good" camera. All of these photos were taken with my iphone.
My nose is really grwoing as I age.
I predict it will be the size of a small russet byt the time I reach 70.
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