Friday, August 24, 2012

This is a test...only a test

We returned to the Natural History Museum today.  The first few weeks of August (after school has begun) are the optimal museum touring weeks.  Schools have not yet begun to take fieldtrips so you essentially have the place/s to yourself/ves.

Today's visit had two purposes. 1. To check out the newest exhibit (on POOP). and 2. To try out our new cheapy camera.  A few years ago my husband bought me a wonderful digital SLR.  I love it, but sometimes it is a bit too big and bulky for field trip photos.  I often just use my iPhone, which takes really great photos.  However for our upcoming trip to Europe we wanted a small camera that is a little better than a camera phone, yet nothing too nice or expensive if it were lost or stolen. 

 I'll admit I snapped these photos before I ever realized what the backdrop was....

The nice thing about having a membership to the Natural History Museum is getting to return every few months to see the newest rotating exhibits...even if it is an exhibit about poo. 

I'm not sure if I am proud or creeped out that my son could identify all 6 types of "scat"

Now the testing. 
The photo above was taken with the Kodak camera/flash on. 
The photo below is taken with the iPhone/no flash.

The iPhone takes a nice shot with existing light but the colors are a bit flat.
The Kodak definitely give you more accurate color, however it is useless indoors without a flash.

The top photo is Kodak.  Wow what great color saturation.  The photo below
is iPhone (still a great photo but a bit flat in comparison).  Kodak wins this round.

Above is Kodak, below iPhone. 
The Kodak will be my outdoor camera and the iPhone will be great for indoors when flash is not allowed.  Now, let the packing begin.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Botanical Garden

FINALLY! We did something different.  Today we went to the Botanical Garden.

                                                      Walking through the tree tops.

                                         "T" is having more fun than than it appears.

Survey's say this blog is viewed primarily by people over the age of 60.  I thought you might enjoy knowing that all of these photo's were taken with my phone.  Yes, a phone.  Technology is amazing isn't it.

Not sure why "T" looks so bored/annoyed.  He said the Botanical Gardens were very interesting and enjoyable.  He always amazes me.  "J" is always up for any museum or outdoor event.  "T" is more particular in his tastes.  I was actaully surprised that he ahd a good time.  I rather expected he would just "endure" his visit today.

                                                  Sculpture in the garden...I LOVE THIS!

I completely forgot to bring my "good" camera.  All of these photos were taken with my iphone.

My nose is really grwoing as I age. 
I predict it will be the size of a small russet byt the time I reach 70.

Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy 49th Birthday Daddy... (lets see if he actaully reads this)

Poor daddy had to have his birthday during our "grain free" experiment.
But cheesecake is always good!

                       I made a quilt using old fraternity (and other not-fitting and silly) shirts.

                                     If you don't look closely it turned out pretty well.

4th of July

The scorching hot day turned cool and rainy while we were eating. 
Unfortunately our chairs and blankets got soaked..

                                            We saw this in the parking lot...very cute.

                                     4th of July is all about sugar...first the ice-cream

Then the cotton candy and

                                                                Seriously mom? Mom!

                                             This year we got to celebrate with grandma.

                                       Fun for the kids...while we wait for darkness to fall.

I would love to have this set up at home. 
We would settle all arguments with a battle to the mean....

It's almost time...

It's getting darker.....

                                                   What we have all been waiting for!