Thursday, January 26, 2012

Light Festival

Each year we attend a festival of lights at a local college. The lights are nice but the real attractions are the petting zoo, train, pony rides etc. it's a bit of a money trap but it's also a tradition the kids look forward to every year, and I'm all about family traditions.

These elves look vaguely familiar.

Can you believe this precious creature is illegal for my family to own....
but don't get me started on the right to own chickens....

bunnies=legal, chickens=illegal...

Much to her chagrin, this sweet child will never get to take horseback riding lessons.
 Pony rides once a year will have to suffice

It's best not to think about the quality of life these ponies have.

oh, and there are lights too

Monday, January 23, 2012


We went to see Santa and I took a few photos around the mall. It's not exactly like the mall is a fabulous background for photos...but I seem to do it every year.

Thank goodness there was  a huge Nintendo kiosk set up where kids could try out all the new games
(that I wasn't going to get them for Christmas)

Nope....technically not too big for the kiddie rides.

He is actually thrilled to be doing this....


Today was family fun day in celebration of 11-11-11 day. We went to the museum (kids choice) and had a blast.

I just get a kick outa this...

This is a wonderful place.

"Hi there you little cuite pie"

There comes a time in every person's life...when you have to stop getting down on the floor...
because it's hard to get up

Learning about Darwin

" is my DNA this big"?

I made them pose as if they were inquisitive.

Making bubbles is hard work.

"you do it like this "J"

Fun with the green screen

Electricity is fun!
Ok, this cracks me up.

And this cracks me up even more.

Excavate you later.....

Ranch Hands

Homeschool field trips....are an adventure. Always an adventure. They are not unlike public school field trips because the kids are so stinkin excitied to be out with their friends that "learning" often becomes a subtext to fun.

Our destination, an educational “Ranch”, owned and operated by a fast food founder (well his family trust) was 2 hours south of town.  I usually have a 45 min travel limit for classes and field trips but I’m glad I made an exception for this one.

What an awesome place.  During the week they have educational field trips and on weekends they have family fun extravaganzas.  We are definitely going as a family next year for the pumpkin cannon and zip lines.

Checking out animal skins

"I'm on top of the world"

Learning about what the Pilgrams might have eaten.

Grinding corn "the old fashioned way"

Cow anatomy 101
Nice teepee

if you would like one....

There aren't many teachers who can keep the kids attention like this guy could.
He was awesome.

And of course we met Abraham Lincoln

"I am NOT with them"

Then there was a village filled with about 15 or more tiny buildings.

Each was perfectly kid sized and filled with kid sized props.

There was even a kid sized jail.  Why don't more parents think of this.