"T" lost his 5th...well no...his third...but not really....his first tooth today. Our story began last summer when "T" fell and knocked out his upper two front teeth. He got a pediatric partial so for almost a year "T" looked as if he had a full set of teeth. Then last spring he had his "fake" teeth knocked out at school. Someone came down the slide too fast and kicked him in the face. That event was so traumatic that the poor kid chose not to get a second partial. So since spring "T" has been missing his two front teeth. Today at school his first naturally loose tooth came out on it's own. Poor guy-there is a good likelihood (since his other bottom center tooth is loose) that he may have all 4 front teeth missing at once before any new ones grow in. However he has adeptly learned to bite on the side of his mouth.
"J" is missing a tooth too-she knocked one out last summer (photo) about a week after "T" did.
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