Seriously if the kids didn't love this so much...but they do. It makes the planning and the blisters and the ungodly heat absolutely worth it.
Here we are 30 minutes before the park opens...which is a little late according to my schedule.
Don't fear...this is short line. There was a delay and they hadn't let us in yet. We walked right on several times.
"J" says take a picture of this...not a morning person I guess.
Ok now it is mom and dad time. We will let the kids join us...but only because we are legally obligated to do so. We are headed for The Food and Wine Festival and we are going to eat around the world.
This is a chocolate truffle frozen with liquid Nitrogen. Tasted like...chocolate
A Scallop and Brussel Sprout thingy. The names are much more pretentious than the actual dishes.
Food food and more food.

Don't worry kids you can have some fries...
Ok and I guess you can have a Belgian waffle...
Ok and some ice cream...
And maybe a tart or two....
Perhaps we will jet over to Japan for some Kawai Culture
Ok I give up. Let's taste so unique sodas from around the world. "J" says trust me...this one is fabulous.
"T" demonstrates what they really taste like...
I get a serenade on the way out too...
Bye Epcot...we had fun.
We even brought a little fun home with us...
It was a really hot day. Time to cool off in the pool.
This guy watched us eat our meal. I really wanted to share.
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