Monday, November 22, 2010

Photo Time

I know this blog is mainly about photos...but this is the time of year when we get "real" photos. As the children become older this process becomes easier and older children are "easier" to bribe. For instance "if you smile nicely and cooperate I will buy you something" or "if you don't smile and behave nicely I will throttle you"...that is sort of how our professional photo sessions go-piece of cake!

Not sure how many more years we have until Trevor refuses to sit on Santas' lap (like the girl in front of us today who said "mom, seriously,! I'm too old for this" Mom: "honey, you're never too old for santa"  The kid was like 20.
The children were not allowed to have lunch until they smiled...
Poor "D", the flash was really huring his eyes.

The kids are really growing up.  Can I send them to college yet?

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Few Things

Find the kids.....
What do bored moms do.....
they take extreme close-ups with thier iPhones....
My son came out of the dentists office with these in his mouth.  Needless to say I FREAKED out for a few seconds before I realized he was wearing novelty teeth.  What kind of dentist gives kids novelty teeth for a prize?  This kid is a pretty good jokester.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I used to think that when I had children of my own I would be the mom who hosted Halloween parties and made costumes from “scratch”…..but really I turned out to be the mom who dreaded Halloween parties (attending not hosting) and made my kids wear the 75% off costumes from the previous Halloween clearance sales. This year my son wanted to be a “Chomper” from his favorite video game Plants Vs Zombies. I tried to buy this costume. I really tried. Sadly there is no such thing as a “Chomper” (a Zombie eating plant) costume for sale anywhere in the world. Reluctantly I agreed to try to make this costume for my son. Let me just say….I will continue to be a “75% off clearance mom” -because it took way too much time and money to make a “homemade” costume. Still, “T” was pleased with the result. It was definitely a one-of-a -kind costume. “J” my precious “J”, opted to be Super Girl…which was by the way, a 75% off costume purchased last year after Halloween. I love this child. May she always wear last year’s costume.

Chomper-please note the Zombie arm hanging from the mouth.
Zombie make-up by mom.
My son wanted desperatley to be something "scary" for Halloween. 
Gone are the days of Cowboy and Action Figure costumes.
Super Girl posing for the camera.  She wanted to curtsey,
but I made her do a "strong" pose instead.
Such a beautiful super hero