Let me tell you-raising butterflies is not for the fain of heart. Soon those tiny caterpillars sealed in a sterile cup of goo-became giant caterpillars in a cup of goo and poop and eewy looking “silk”-that was more like hideous cobwebs than Hermes.
After a week or so the caterpillars climbed to the top of the cup and formed chrysalides. Last night they started to emerge. We have watched excitedly all morning hoping to catch one emerging…Boy they are fast. So far we have only seen a just-emerged butterfly all wrinkled and folded up-still very COOL.
We have since released 4 of the butterflies into the back yard.
From “J” -I got to hold a butterfly on my finger. I love butterflies. They’re so cool; I think butterflies’ are so pretty.
From “T” – I think butterflies are cool, I mean they are just like, like, like as cool as a moth. I just like butterflies. When they were caterpillars they were kind of plump but kind of disgusting too.
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