Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who Knew

I never knew it but apparently we have a world class museum right up the road from us. Today “T” and I visited it for the first time. Wow! It was awesome. We stayed 4 hours and I think “T” could have stayed longer. Not me, I was tired. I am not sure what we enjoyed more…being the only ones in the planetarium and getting a personalized show, digging for and keeping real fossils, panning for an keeping real semi-precious gems or standing right next to giant pre-historic fossils. I think it’s a tie-it was all great.

One small step for man....


Electricity is FUN!

.....and that is his lower incisor

Digging for fossils


Panning for gold

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sculpt de Play Doh

"J" loves to create-here are a few of her latest works.

Before and After

I am learning that children, as they get older, develop something called an "opinion." Often these "opinions" may differ greatly from your own. There are opinions like "chocolate would be a good diner" that you overrule. And others like wearing head to toe pink one day and black the next that you go along with. I believe in letting children make choices-but it is certainly getting harder. For instance my son wanted his hair to be long and gelled back like this:

But it usually just looked like this:

I really hated this style-but knowing that a little self expression goes a long way-I endured it. It’s not like he wanted a tattoo of Sponge Bob on his derrière. But still I wanted to cut his hair. I offered bribes for him to have it cut…20 dollars, a pet…..yes I was desperate. Until I had the brilliant idea to show him hairstyles on the internet. Voila! He picked a new style. It is a little avant garde -but I prefer it over slicked back any day

Spiky-requires lots of hair "product" but worth it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We let the kids stay up late on New Years Eve. I told them that if they were still awake at Midnight they could throw confetti. I never thought they would make it past 10:00. Boy was I wrong.....