My girls' beach trip this year was to Indian Rocks Beach. A place I've wanted to return to ever since discovering it during a volleyball tournament years ago.
Our condo had a perfect view of the western sky, and the sunsets were amazing. Every night you would see the empty streets fill with beach goers again just before the sun set. I can't imagine ever growing tired of this view
I can also understand the high railing.
The name of this shuttered "adult" superstore made me giggle.
This guy was 3-4 feet down. The water this year was fantastic.

This guy was 3-4 feet down. The water this year was fantastic.
I feel like this is not something Florida would allow.
The best type of friends are the one you don't even have to ask "should we stop at this giant ice cream cone shaped building and check it out" because you know you're going to stop.
Proof I was there
Not again slippery boardwalk. I left with all bones in tact.
We made time for some swampy state park adventures
I love a state park-but not enough to spend the week or even a weekend. And I can constantly befuddled by those who do. This was just bearable in early May.
In Georgia these are tropical plants that have to live inside during the winter. In Florida they are practically weeds.
Let's pretend he isn't a 4 foot long baby. Still, it's always fun to see an Alligator on a walk. That is, for a few more years, since they are quickly making their way into middle Georgia. The novelty is bound to wear off when they live in all our creeks and regularly traverse the Publix parking lot.
Lunch on the road can be an adventure-especially when its literally on the road.