Friday, February 28, 2020

So what had happened was...

I think maybe January and February were busy.  "T" started at his new college.  He loved it.  He joined a club.  He didn't get parking.  So between "J's" volleyball and "T's" evening classes and club we were running kids around M-Th. Two nights requiring both adults to  drive.  And we had tournaments on weekends.  I guess you know what happened next.  But let's not talk about that.  Lets remember the good ole days for a while.

This is a super rare neighborhood get together.  These kids have known each other for years and as they have gotten older their interests have diverged.  But there is nothing like a snow day to get old friends gathered by the fire for some fun and games.

Is it big foot with a sled? ...or is it "T" who is using his one and only opportunity to wear his new snowsuit. This kid doesn't ask for much-so how could I say no... to a full snow the south. 

Meanwhile I can enjoy the day inside alone.  Gone are the days of making hot cocoa and helping with layers and sleds.  Do I miss it? -nope not at all.  

I too enjoy soup she says

Have I mentioned how much I adore these two.

Here is MY GA snowsuit....a thin windbreaker I have for the coldest of days.  Loving Georgia weather until June-then wishing I lived up north.

For the record this cat invented RBF

Now I'm about to post a bunch of photo's of "J".  That is not because I love her more (Totally depends on the day) but "T's" programming isn't really great for photos. But here is one of his new beard. Its blond but its there.

Volleyball got off to a great start!

 We have a great team this year.  Talented AND nice girls.  We were so excited about the season.

Watching the boys play....

OMG so much bonding.  And this...the group my biggest nightmare.  I actually had to leave early.  I can not take this level of chaos.  But "J" loves it.