I think maybe January and February were busy. "T" started at his new college. He loved it. He joined a club. He didn't get parking. So between "J's" volleyball and "T's" evening classes and club we were running kids around M-Th. Two nights requiring both adults to drive. And we had tournaments on weekends. I guess you know what happened next. But let's not talk about that. Lets remember the good ole days for a while.
This is a super rare neighborhood get together. These kids have known each other for years and as they have gotten older their interests have diverged. But there is nothing like a snow day to get old friends gathered by the fire for some fun and games.
Is it big foot with a sled? ...or is it "T" who is using his one and only opportunity to wear his new snowsuit. This kid doesn't ask for much-so how could I say no... to a full snow suit...in the south.
Meanwhile I can enjoy the day inside alone. Gone are the days of making hot cocoa and helping with layers and sleds. Do I miss it? -nope not at all.
I too enjoy soup she says
Have I mentioned how much I adore these two.
Here is MY GA snowsuit....a thin windbreaker I have for the coldest of days. Loving Georgia weather until June-then wishing I lived up north.
For the record this cat invented RBF
Watching the boys play....
OMG so much bonding. And this...the group meal...is my biggest nightmare. I actually had to leave early. I can not take this level of chaos. But "J" loves it.