Monday, January 13, 2020

Purple Hair Don't Care

Someone is turning over a New leaf for the New Year.  And that someone would be my son.  He just started classes at a University near our home.  One semester at Community College was enough for him.  If he manages not to flunk out...he will have 3 semesters at the University complete (along with the 12 credit hours he earned last semester) before he is an official Freshman.  He thought his community college professors can I say it nicely...idiots.  Yes that's the nice version of what he thought.

 So let the make-over begin.  We had to bleach his hair....

Then I added purple.  See how it beautifully and artfully it fades into the brown.  Ok, well not everyone can see it.  But T and I can.  Its just what he wanted. 

 And now for the best part.  No your eyes do not deceive you...he is wearing JEANS (not track pants). And the briefcase is gone -replaced by a backpack and the trench coat is now a hoodie.  The hair is styled- the face washed.  I feel like all my mom-dreams have come true.

Dixie has helped out quite a bit with all the scheduling and planning

And a move that is sure to permanently keep me out of her room...J has added this light feature to her already club-like room lighting. 

Whatever the new year brings...its sure to be colorful around here. 

Tis the Season

Merry Christmas and Etc.

The girls gathered much food for charity.

A new club for a new year.  Definitely not a state of the art facility - but we love the girls and the coaches.  

We tortured the Chihuahua with this tiny sombrero that we bought on our trip. As you can see he loved it.

I marked this little project off my bucket list.  J and I made an elaborate gingerbread house made with a homemade pattern.

I made clear windows out of poured sugar (like a lollipop)

It wasn't as amazing as I imagined it would be.  I might try again next year.

Either way, the windows were really cool for a few days until they melted.

T- wanted a full microphone set up for recording sounds and voice overs for his game.  I have no clue how it works.  I'm glad he does.