Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Month(s) of Volleyball

The Months of Volleyball is approximately 180 days long but it passes in a flash.  Volleyball is our all consuming focus from January-June.  And of course August and September.  Its not that we want volleyball to be our all consuming focus but with 2-3 day tournaments every other weekend and 3-4 practices per week, it does take a lot of our time. My Month of Volleyball feels like 180 days of this:

I will say one nice thing about Volleyball this year-the girls are AWESOME.  To be honest last year we had a bunch of assholes on our team.  It takes a lot for me to call a kid an asshole.  And honestly there are no other words to describe them.  This year we have a TEAM vs a bunch of girls wearing the same uniform.  This would have never happened last year:

Or this...no way this would have happened last year. My kid is hidden behind the other girls...but I really don't recognize any of them without ponytails.

Love these girls. And they like each other.  They encourage each other and lift each other up!

Let's take a break from volleyball and look at cute dogs.

This one is my baby...

She has a tough life.

Look at these precious babies.  We transported them from the vet to a foster...Oh how I wanted to drive straight home with all of them.  Sadly my "baby" is a ferocious monster who has requested no more siblings at the current time.

I really don't have time for crafts but I did make the time to create this jewelry holder for "J".  I love using power tools.

The boy borrowed my painting clothes for Graffiti Painting at school.

Usually when we travel for volleyball it is to somewhere boring, or we don't have time for activities anyway.  In this case we went to Savannah and "T" joined us.  We stayed in a condo near the river and tried to squeeze in some family time.

At the tournament I saw this as a t-shirt option.  I wanted it so badly...but I don't wear t-shirts...not even ones this perfectly sacrilegious and hilarious.

So much for family time.  We had to divide and conquer.  "D" took the girl out with her teammates and "T" and I hit river street.

I couldn't resist a stop at Wet Willies.  But I got the small.  My son is very anti-consumption-of-alcohol.  I kept pretending to be tipsy.  He was NOT amused.

Last year we stayed here (and played here).  I really hate hotels.  Why are the "nice" ones always so loud and uncomfortable.  Never again.  We really enjoyed out little apartment.  

I offered him my Wet Willies but he decided to stick with ice cream.  Take note DFACS...I only offered because I knew he would say no.

We enjoyed some protest art...and I did think about not eating bacon...for about 30 seconds.

A ghost tour via hearse.  Cute, but the kids said the tour at the Sorrel Weed House was much better.

I think cargo/container ships are so cool.

It was a perfect day to sit in the mist, watch the ships, and pretend my Fish and Chips was in London not from a food truck in Savannah.

The weather didn't cooperate (and neither did "J". I edited out her finger) But I promised to take the kids to the beach.  Tybee isn't my favorite even on a sunny day. But we took a short walk in the cold sand.

If you don't smile I'm not unlocking the car....

I recently attended my friend's daughter's robotics team's state competition.. It was surprisingly energetic and loud.  They had an MC and everyone wore silly hats and clothes.  It seemed fun.

The boy continues to improve his driving.  As we speak he is at a defensive driving class.  This weekend he gets to try out some evasive maneuvers.  But he still wants ALL the "students driver" magnets on the car at ALL times.

Oh, there was a blood moon.  "J" took photos.  She has discovered my DSLR.  She has also discovered that mommy has crappy lenses.  But she still got some cool shots.

Can you guess what this is....If you answered "the only way you can see small things"...you are only partially right.

"T" and I recently attended the Center for Civil and Human Rights.  We learned a lot...things we wish no person had to study or learn.  I think my son said something along the lines of the aliens being justified in annihilating our species if they were to ever visit this museum.

This should be in the museum...but it's not.  this is the City Of Montgomery Seal on a bathroom soap dispenser.  REALLY?  What's wrong with this picture.  

This is an eye.  My kid doodles eyes.  I find them everywhere.  I'd like to convince her to draw a whole face.  IRL this drawing is about the size or a quarter...

Meanwhile my kids made this discovery....LOLOLOL
Image result for napoleon dynamite