Friday, June 6, 2014

We Love the Beach

My favorite times on the beach are when we are the only ones around.  "J" likes to catch fish in the tide pools.  Then she names them and lets them go.  We explore and discover.  It's amazing.

She rescued these starfish.  We put them in the tidal creek.  They probably died anyway.

And then we go for ice cream....


We chartered a boat so the kids could go fishing.  Unfortunately Captain Chip told us it wasn't going to be a good fishing day.  Luckily we caught a few sharks and the kids were thrilled. 
They were so excited to be on the boat.
And they were pretty excited just to hold the bait fish. 

This was the biggest catch of the day. 
Our captain holds the state record for catching the largest of two species of shark.  In comparison this one was pretty puny.  FYI we let it go.

 This kid offered to stay and work on the boat for exchange for never having to leave.


Beach Portraits

We have posed at this tree since 2005




Silly photos in exchange for the nice ones


We can't go to the beach with out stopping in Savannah. We all have different goals.  For the kids it's the River Street Candy Shop.  For dad it's fine dining.  And for me...well I'm just happy to take a few photos.

The steps in Savannah...they definitely need this sign.  Sometimes there is an 18 Inch or greater drop.

Happy to have 30 dollars worth of candy-to go