We recently celebrated my baby child's birthday. And as usual...even though I always say I wont do it...we had an entire epic birthday weekend.
First on Friday I spent the day making cakes. "J" was having a reptile birthday so we needed a snake cake. This little beauty was half chocolate and half pumpkin...as it required two entire bunt cakes to complete.
I thought it turned out pretty well....except for the small fact that my spoiled child wont eat homemade cake. So...
We also bought a Publix cake. It initially looked like this (since they don't' make snake habitat cakes)
We were lucky to get something that wasn't pink and purple...
With a few flicks of the knife, a rubber snake and some gum paste boulders we had a less grotesque cake.
The next morning "J" ran a kids mudder (a mud filled obstacle race). It was too short and not muddy enough according to "J". It was fun and well organized but not worth the drive, according to me.
We were both fixated on the adult obstacles which we watched for a long time. Lots of very buff, very crazy people at the SAVAGE race. Being neither buff nor (that kind of) crazy, I felt a bit out of place.
We were home in time to party. "J" decided to have a reptile show for her birthday.
We held this party in the drive way because I didn't want 20 kids in my house. I also didn't want 12 reptiles in my house.
A lovely lady taught the kids about each reptile then let "J" show them to the kids.
I'll admit I found this bearded dragon quite charming.
Surprise, It's a Savannah Monitor Lizard
Everyone got to hold this baby alligator...who looked so thrilled to be there.

This carpet python was pretty smelly.
Notice my child is wearing snake print pants....
"J" shows off the Ball Python that looks just like hers.
This huge tortoise was a hit. He was pretty cool. I wonder if I could keep him in the back yard.
He went straight for the "grass" and started munching away.
The star of the show was this huge guy
It's hard to cut into a cake that you made. But these kids need CAKE STAT!
We all put a pretty good dent in there cakes. And there was cake for breakfast too.
Licking the icing off the RUBBER snake on her cake.
It took me an entire week to recover.