So here is a little Green Family randomness.
My son was given an art project about perspective. He hated it. He really hates doing anything with set boundaries. However once I told him that her could add any details he wanted he got excited and made his perspective painting have an Alien Attack theme. I especially love this car which has been attacked and is on fire.
My son the "Chef" who refuses to eat anything but loves to "cook" wanted to make chocolate. In other words he wanted me to buy a lot of chocolate for him to melt down, add stuff, and make into shapes. Either way...they had a lot of fun.
Making "Fuzzies" for a Valentines day party
"T" facilitating a board game.
Checking out the ducks and geese at the pond after the party
Sometimes kids get you phone and you never even realize it until later when you look through your photos and find this.
Apparently they got some "freakin awesome sunglasses in their Valentines Day boxes.
Girl Scout Cookie time
Sweet little bird on a cold morning
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Park.
Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance...with it's oddly inappropriate "Pajama Party" theme.
We built a tiny wattle fence and planted some flowers and herbs.
Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese
Cute self promotional photo for "T's" website
Playing with dad at the Rat.