Nope...this month isn't over and boy am I tired. But no matter how tired you are you just can't say no to Girl Scout Camping. (Can you?...Please tell me more)
Can you see our cabin...neither can I. It was a LONG hike with all our gear (no cars allowed). Ok, its this Girl Scout camp they have a variety of options for housing. We were assigned a cabin full of bunkbeds. Trust me...I'd pitch a tent any day rather than sleep in a room with 12 screaming girls equipped until late into the night with flashlights and glow sticks.
Technically my child isn't old enough to be allowed to try archery. But since she told the supervisor she was in 4th grade (which is true) she was allowed. Because of her age she is a 3rd grade Brownie and technically not allowed to participate...Oh well....She did great and got a bulls eye.
Her truth telling friend just watched.
All well prepared scouts need to learn cookie decorating (and eating)
It's not camping without spiders...although I am usually trying to avoid them-not catch them.
Each year the girls create "WHO Hair"
(like the little creature in the Dr. Seuss story about the Grinch who stole Christmas)
My creation (not pictured here) wasn't good enough so she asked the older girls to help. And thanks to their liberal use of hairspray and Styrofoam was a decision that she would come to regret.
But she was happy for a while...Notice this room. It isn't a rustic cabin. It's a clean modern "troop house" with indoor plumbing and a full kitchen. Some girls stayed here....but not us.
Because I REALLY TRY to be a good mom I let my child do this to me...
In a humorous twist the lake supervisor thought it was fine for the girls to take a canoe out alone...
Only two of the girls were willing to paddle and they both complained bitterly that they
had done all the work...
I love how genuine her friend was, (the one in the middle) she dispensed with pretenses and didn't even bring a paddle.
After the harrowing removal of a full can of colored hair spray we get down to the real reason for camping...burning marshmallows and running around the fire.
Sunday was horseback riding.
FINALLY "J" was old enough to be on her own.
She was so excited to control the horse without being led around.
She did great! I am so sorry I can't buy this kid a farm.