Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tree Pix

We have been taking photos by this tree for 7 years. 
I hope to post a retrospective sometime soon.

Beach Part 2

Our last day was glorious. You couldn't have ordered a better beach day. I think these photos speak for themselves.

Ice cream-a nice way to end a great day.

Portrait Time

When we go to the beach I love to take a few photos of the kids by the dunes. However it’s getting harder and harder to get my son to pose. The sun is always in his eyes…even though it was nearly dusk in these photos. He just has better things to do I guess. It was pretty windy too but since we didn’t know if Alberto would get worse or better we decided to take the photos in spite of the gale force winds.

Beach Part 1

It was high tide when we arrived.  The beach was piled with cord grass...tons of it.
I've never seen so much.  It made walking on the beach at high tide nearly impossible.

the boys, doing what they love best

So "J" and I headed to the Island Walmarts to pick up a few things
and enjoy the spectacular people watching.

Self Checkout...not fast fun or easy
Our first day was nice but a bit cool for my taste.  Going to the beach off season is tricky.  you avoid crowds and generally have great weather...but it is occasionally a bit cloudy and cool.  The kids didn't mind and by the end of the day the sky had cleared and it was sunny and warm.
After a few hours at the beach we headed for the pool.
We woke up to this....Tropical Storm Alberto.  We came within about 15 min of leaving since the forecast called for nearly a 100% chance of rain for the rest of our trip.  But the kids vetoed that ideas...saying they would rather stay even if it rained the whole trip.
By afternoon the rain had stopped so we ventured out to to the beach to check out the conditions.

It was quickly decided that the sand castle building conditions were A-OK

My self portrait....wrapped in a towel to stay warm.

By late afternoon the sky began to clear and the temp warmed up. 


We decided to make a quick drive through the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. The place is filthy with alligators (and mosquitos). You know you've seen a lot of alligators when the kids say "another alligator....can we leave already?"
The first gator is always the most exciting.

It was a cool overcast day and the big guys were sunning themselves on every bank.

I wish I had my telephoto lense.

This little guy was only about 5 feet long.


Well you could drive to Hilton Head without a little stop in Savannah, but why would you?  Savannah is just so perfectly Southern, massive oaks drooping with spanish moss, historical architecture, the totally fun river front, liberal (walking around with) alcohol policies and candy shops. It's a MUST DO for us.
Is it foggy out...nope just dropped oatmeal on my lense.

That's better...."ugg-how does anyone lift these anchors"

Don't try to lift it...just sit on it.

Candy shop....

How do you ever choose

Making peppermint taffy

here bear..try some candy

a quick ride on the ferry (AKA free boat trip)

yes, her teeth are blue

Lovely Savannah River Front

Touring a boat

teeth still blue