That's tricky. I didn't want to plan a real PARTY.....that is way too much trouble. I just wanted to share a little cake and ice-cream with the kids, maybe do a craft, and send them on their way. But I didn't want them to feel obligated to bring gifts. I thought the solution would be to buy a cake and just gather up the kids at a random time and throw an impromptu party.
The neighborhood kids are almost always at my house-so how hard could it be. Fast forward.... It was hard. One kid was grounded, one had his grandma coming over, and one peed his pants. The "party" was complete chaos. Luckily the kids had no idea. Apparently a well planned party is lost on a 7 year old. Throw some cake at them and they are happy.

See....happy to have cake

The random cake that has been in my freezer for a few weeks.

Monster masks....AKA whatever craft kit was on clearance at Oriental Trading Company. Yeah, we ARE classy.

Neighbor "H" shows off her creation.

Cousin "K" strikes a pose.

The gift "J" has been asking for for almost a year.

Ok, you can stay up for a while.
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