We just arrived home from our annual pilgrimage to Hilton Head Island, our favorite family escape. Friends and family try to convince us to visit the crystal blue waters of the gulf but somehow we always end up back in Hilton Head. I grew up vacationing all along the Atlantic coast-so it always feels nostalgic to visit any Atlantic beach - but Hilton Head has a special ambiance we don't find anywhere else. I love the feel of the deep south , the Spanish moss draped over ancient live oak trees, the Gullah heritage, and OK, the miles of private beaches.
"J" is all smiles when she discovers an abandoned sand castle during an evening walk on the beach.

A huge live oak-several hundred years old

The gang posing in front of the "palm" tress that "T" loves so much.

All smiles at the beach

The sand castle we built.

Painting outside the condo

Getting some culture at a coastal museum

That's all for now